[bs_notification type="warning"]Development stopped! Please read this before downloading FAD[/bs_notification]
[bs_notification type="info"]New Version available!This version is obsolete. I would strongly suggest to use the FAD2 instead. You can download it here: http://dotnet.work/fad2.[/bs_notification]
Toshibas FlashAir is an SD-Card with built-in WiFi. It allows you to download Pictures from your DigiCam through WiFi. Sadly there is no working Windows-Application.
The FlashAir-Downloader solves that issue. It allowes Bulk-Downloading of your images. Your pictures can be saved in folders created automaticly containing date-information.
Unpack the Zip and start the Setup.Exe
Start the Application and go to Settings:
Adjust the Settings if needed. Especially for “local Path”.
To use the Delete-Option you have to adjust the configuration of the SD-Card. Insert the SD-Card into your computer and open the file “CONFIG” file in the hidden “SD_WLAN”-folder with a text editor. Add the line
to the CONFIG-File.
Thats it. Close that window, turn on your camera and click onto “CONNECT”. If the connection works, you should see the folders and images of your SD-Card. Enter a folder or preview an image by double-clicking onto the icon. Mark the images you want to download and start downloading by clicking onto “Download”.
I give no guarantee about anything. This application shouldn’t do anything bad. But if your Camera explodes: Don’t blame me.This tool is and always will be free. But I don’t mind donations, of course :)
— Update V 1.1 —
I just updated the FlashAirDownloader to Version 1.1.
The following has changed:
- Bugfix: If the file date is quite old (<2000) it could not be downloaded. This has been fixed. [*Yeah! Year 2000 bug in 2014. Well done, Toshiba *
- New Feature: You can now change the contents of the CONFIG – File directly. Just insert the SD-Card into your computer and Select “Card Properties
- New Feature: If you use more than just One FlashAir-Card you can now automatically create subfolders for each card. You can use the internal “CID” ID for that or the Application ID which may contain any custom name.
(Tested with Windows 7 and Windows 8.1)
A new Version is available: http://dotnet.work/fad2