Posts with Tag: raspberrypi
I am Ole, a backend developer and home automation enthusiast. From time to time I like to share the problems I had to solve.
At the time of this writing the boot-from-usb has just been made available as a Beta feature for the Raspberry Pi 4.
There are a few tutorials on how to activate that feature but I had an additional requirement: Boot from USB first, then boot from SD which requires a few additional steps.
This d...
This tutorial assumes that you already installed and configured FHEM and know how to use AngularJS.
As you might know I use my Raspberry PI to automate tasks at home. I already detect my SmartPhone, and my FitBit and also control my Webcam and Harmony remote using a raspberry and a web...
As I wrote before I track the presence of my smartphone using WiFi. Since Android Marshmellow this doesn't work anymore, because when switching to idle mode, the WiFi is disconnected. The easiest way to get around this issue would be to use Bluetooth instead. And in fact: I already decided to go th...
After detecting my phone using WiFi (which does only work under Marshmallow while the phone is loading or the display is enabled) and detecting the fitbit device I came back to my original task to detect my phone using Bluetooth.
While there are many documents out there that describe this...
I already wrote a script on my Raspberry that starts and stops the surveillance mode of my camera using the "Surveillance Station" on the Synology DiskStation. Now I wanted to extend that tool and light the LEDs of the cam when it is recording and turning them off if it isn't.
This has two reaso...